Concept by COAF is a social enterprise, including a hotel, conference center & restaurant

Concept by COAF is a social enterprise, located at 1 Debet 2031, Lori Province, Armenia



Set against the majestic canvas of Debed Canyon, Concept by COAF has been offering a rich blend of rural charm and modernity since 2019. Here you’ll enter a modern haven of comfort that combines tradition with innovation. Each room, conference center, and corner of our property is thoughtfully designed to resonate with the timeless spirit of the Canyon while ensuring a memorable experience. We offer an ideal escape for both those who look for relaxation as well as those who yearn for adventure. 



At Concept by COAF, our mission goes beyond hospitality, it’s a commitment to a higher purpose. As a social enterprise of the Children of Armenia Fun (COAF), every penny we earn is devoted to empowering education at the SMART Center in Lori, Armenia.


The SMART Center is an innovative education hub with a curriculum addressing the holistic development and empowerment of rural youth. It ensures the engagement and advancement of students through COAF’s SMART Citizenship Curriculum, prioritizing the cognitive (Head), affective (Heart), and psychomotor development (Hand) of rural children. You can tour the campus during your stay and discover the unique structure that’s home to such an impactful educational and social venture.

COAF’s mission is to provide resources to children and adults with SMART initiatives to advance rural communities through innovation. Our vision is that all children of Armenia achieve their full potential and contribute to the advancement of the world around them. COAF is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that employs community-led approaches aimed at improving the quality of life in rural Armenia.