Concept by COAF is a social enterprise, including a hotel, conference center & restaurant

Concept by COAF is a social enterprise, located at 1 Debet 2031, Lori Province, Armenia

Room Features

Enter the epitome of decadent modernism in our Deluxe Valley building room. An expansive space with plush furnishing, a king size bed, and panoramic views for days. This room will be the perfect setting for you or your family’s relaxing stay in Debed Canyon.


Internet and telephone:


Electronic devices:


Outdoor area and
window view:


Room cancellation policy

Regardless of the dates and number of rooms reserved, guests are required to pay the full price for the rooms and nights reserved.


Cancellation requests submitted up to 48 hours before check-in will be fully refunded.


Cancellation requests made within the last 48 hours before check-in will be charged the full price. Group reservations that have also reserved a conference room and group lunches are also required to pay the full price for the rooms and nights reserved.


Cancellation requests made before the last 7 days before check-in will be fully refunded. Cancellation requests made within the last 7 days before check-in will be charged the full price.